Gelee Fruit Terrine

10 Servings


1/2 Cup Cold Water
2 Envelopes Unflavored Gelatin
2 1/2 Cups White Grape Juice
1 1/2 Cups Fresh Raspberries
2 Cups Fresh Blueberries
2 Cups Fresh Strawberries
Whipped Cream, For Garnish

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In small stainless steel bowl, pour 1/2 cup of cold water. Sprinkle the two envelopes of gelatin over the water and allow it to soften, untouched for about five minutes.

Meanwhile, heat 1 cup of the white grape juice, until very hot, in a small saucepan. After the gelatin has softened for five minutes, pour the hot grape juice over the softened gelatin and stir to combine. Place the gelatin over a saucepan of simmering water and stir constantly until the gelatin has completely dissolved. Do not boil.

Remove from heat and add the remaining 1 1/2 cups white grape juice to the gelatin mixture.

With a small ladle place a thin layer of the white grape juice gelee into the bottom of the loaf pan (about 1/4 inch deep). Place in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes until it is set, but stilll sticky. (This layer is to hold the raspberries in place.)

After about 30 minutes, arrange in rows, a layer of raspberries on the gelee. Carefully spoon enough of the white grape gelee over the raspberries to just cover them. Place back in the refrigerator for about one hour, or until set.

Next, place a layer of blueberries on top of the raspberries. Again, carefully spoon enough of the white grape gelee over the blueberries to just cover them. Place back in the refrigerator for about one hour, or until set.

Finally, place a layer of strawberries on top of the blueberries. Carefully spoon enough of the white grape gelee over the top of the strawberries to cover them. The loaf pan should be full. Chill the terrine for several hours, preferably overnight, until completely set.

To unmold the terrine, either place in hot water or use a hair dryer to loosen the gelee from the sides of the loaf pan. Invert onto your serving plate and unmold. If not serving immediately, return to refrigerator.

Serve the terrine in slices with softly whipped cream.